Tuesday, October 9, 2007

saurieng: Bên ngoài biên giới

saurieng: Bên ngoài biên giới

Chúc mừng chị tư đi Hàn quốc về vui vẽ,
Và chắc sẽ có thêm nhiều chuyện vui/buồn làm xao động
lòng người.Mong sẽ được đọc tiếp dài dài,và thấm thía nổi
buồn vui...Mến.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

battle field 2 hint

Stay Alive Longer
It's not a cheat but it helps you alot in levels. If your about too die you can switch with a Sniper, Special Ops, ETC. If your in a car and the COMP. isn't shooting very well, you can press TRIANGLE and switch to the gunner. Same with a tank.

Submitted By: Jesse Anderson

Vehicle Bomb
First put a C4 on a Jeep/Humvee and make sure nobody else gets in the jeep but you. Then drive the jeep fast until you find an enemy. Before you get to the enemy jump out of the vehicle, and when the vehicle rolls over to the enemy detonate the C4. You can blow up people and other vehicles easily and get lots of points and kills.

Submitted By: Tim Johnson

Duck, Cover and Aim
In any level of the game you may have trouble aiming and staying out of the way of the enimies fire. To get out of fire you can duck, and then lay down by pressing the button again. Ducking also improves your shot accuracy, laying down helps even more. To get out of laying down fast just press the button again and you will get up right away.

Submitted By: ronny lowe

Get Flags Easier
On the level, Strike At Karkand, be the Americans. Go to the first flag, and on the side that is closest to where you originally spawned, you will see a ladder. Go up the ladder to get to the flag instead of going out in the open to go up the stairs. This will give you the element of surprise and help you capture the flag easier.

Submitted By: Kyle Oliver

Online Help
A good map to learn the ropes of the online mode is the map "Backstab". In this map there is a very good sniper point, it is very helpfull for getting kills without dieing and it in turn helps you obtain medals. It is located near flag 3. Run west from flag 3 and you should get on to a road almost parralell to the road which flag 3 is on. In this street there is a door in the wall and if you go inside it you will see another door, although this door has been boarded up. To remove these boards shoot them or blow them up. Then run up the stairs and you will see some archways and you will have a clear view of flag 4 and flag 5. i reccomend you crouch down right beside a pillar on the balcony as it blocks off most view points of you.

Submitted By: Rory MacLeod


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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A pair of car bombs exploded in northern Baghdad's Kadhimiya neighborhood Wednesday, killing at least seven people and wounding 27 others, an Interior Ministry official said. A third car bomb found in the area is being dismantled.

The neighborhood is a Shiite stronghold and home to the Imam Mussa al-Kadhim Shrine, Shia Islam's third holiest shrine.

One of the car bombs exploded in al-Zahra'a Square, less than a few hundred meters from the shrine. The other car was parked in Aden Square at the edge of Kadhimiya.(FROM CNN)

A healthier looking Fidel Castro appeared on Cuban television Tuesday, speaking slowly and focusing on past memories rather than his recovery and future in his first lengthy appearance since he fell ill and gave up power last summer.(from CNN)

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